Donna's Garden Flower Shop, Chicago, IL - Customer Flower Reviews

4155 W Peterson Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
+1 (773) 282-6363

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Total reviews: 568 reviews | Star Rating: 4.88
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3 Star ★★★☆☆
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Reviewed By:
Joe Fioretto
Sep 25, 2022
They were delivered to the wrong address and once the delivery driver heard the resident of the home did not know the name on the card he left the flowers there anyway due to the resident calling their daughter and her telling her to accept them. There was a huge language barrier and the driver should've never left the flowers should've called the flower shop who should've called me to find out what the problem was. It took me the customer several phone calls and about an hour to get the flowers to the correct person and that is only because I decided to call the flower shop to confirm the delivery. The flowers were beautiful but the delivery was horrible and almost ruined the whole reason the flowers needed to be delivered!
Reviewed By:
Tabetha McGlinchey
Oct 3, 2021
This arrangement was supposed to be sympathy flowers at a funeral!!! Not something you stuffed together with tropical leftovers! NOT happy and would like a redo….especially for $175
Reviewed By:
Sheri Daun
Jan 15, 2016
Honestly, I'm disappointed. This doesn't impress me and does not look like a funeral arrangement