Donna's Garden Flower Shop, Chicago, IL - Customer Flower Reviews

4155 W Peterson Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
+1 (773) 282-6363

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Total reviews: 568 reviews | Star Rating: 4.88
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3 Star ★★★☆☆
2 Star ★★☆☆☆
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Showing 2 star reviews. Show all reviews

Reviewed By:
Maria lee
May 11, 2022
I asked for some roses Idon't see any Not alot for 180$ All inexpensive flowers besides the cala lilies Disappointing
Reviewed By:
Beth van Es
Sep 27, 2021
I have to say, for the cost, I was very underwhelmed. I live in southern California, where everything costs too much money. We've received flower deliveries that did not cost nearly as much and were more full, more creative, interesting, and with much more variety. For the cost, I would have expected other flowers to complement the roses and hydrangeas. I wish I could give more stars because the person who helped me was so kind and helpful.
Reviewed By:
Jan 20, 2020
Disappointed that we ordered a deluxe plant for an additional $30.00. This was to have additional flowers added to the plant, but are seeing NO additional flowers and 1 small plant bloom. Feel we should get a refund for the cost of the deluxe.
Reviewed By:
Christine wu
Nov 17, 2018
Avi Was very helpful and friendly in helping me with my order. Thank you very much and have a great day. Christine Wu.